Music Plan

Those who know me know I'm probably the least musical person in the universe so sound editing in this film is going to be one hell of a challenge. For the sake of keeping the audience positioned alongside Marco and Polo throughout, I'm planning on keeping the soundtrack parallel at all times. Something upbeat and funky for the most part.

That said, I have a cool idea for the shopping sequence. For shots of Marco and Polo searching, I may accompany them with some sort of heavy metal (one of my friends loves that stuff so that's where that inspiration stemmed from), and for shots of Adria some light jazz could work nicely. Anything that gives off a 'sweet and innocent' vibe. That'll hopefully lull the audience into thinking Adria is a sweet and innocent individual, which she most certainly isn't, thus servicing the plot twist at the end. Plus the contrast could create humour if done right.

And - if at all possible - a nod to Inception may be warranted. I really, really like that film and it has an incredible soundtrack. The foghorn noise is iconic but sadly overused, so I may use it myself. If you can't beat them, join them. If I am putting that in my film, it'll have to be on one of the 'dramatic revelations' when Polo realises the bags have been swapped or at the end when the gang appear. Not sure yet but we'll see what works best in editing.


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